
Values and Ethos of a Catholic School

St John’s School aims to achieve a holistic education of Spiritual, Social, Academic and Sport and Culture ideals.

The school attempts to provide the facilities and conditions for students to achieve these ideals. It is aware also, of the spirit of the Mercy sisters, the founders of St John’s School.

Founded on the values of the Sisters of Mercy, St John’s Catholic School strives with the support of All Saint’s Parish to:

~   Provide a Christian atmosphere wherein individuals may deepen their relationship with God.

~   Be aware to social issues both in Australia and beyond and demonstrate care and compassion for those who struggle.

~   Be responsible to the changing needs of the poor, whether spiritually, emotionally, physically or economically.

~   Be financially accessible to all – not excluding anyone.

~   Provide a holistic education where all students are helped and encouraged to reach their full potential.

~   Celebrate academic achievements and provide assistance to help all students to reach their full potential.

~   Empower students with human dignity and treat each student as unique, with respect as an individual.

~   Provide effective education as a result of a responsible and mutual effort on the part of the school, the church, the family and community at large.

~   Provide discipline, rules and structure necessary for an atmosphere conducive to learning.

~   Promote school pride and celebrate the past history of the school.


St John’s School is aware that in order to make a quality Catholic Education accessible to all, school fees should be kept to a minimum. If required assistance to pay school fees can be accessed.



Attentiveness to the Life-giving presence to God: attentiveness to the life-giving presence of God entails the nurturing of a belief in God’s love and revelation within the interconnected and unfolding process of creation.

Ministry within the Church: The essential elements of Christian life-teaching the Word of God, being a witness of faith, hope and love in the world, worshipping God in prayer and liturgy, and caring for human welfare will permeate the school community.

Place of Learning: The Catholic school is a place of learning with a clear educational vision, manifested in values, goals and outcomes. The Catholic school reinforces the centrality of its students, their complex and multiple learning processes, curriculum which is innovative and a variety of teaching approaches.

Community of Care: Positive and caring relationships provide a foundation for personal, social and community growth. The Catholic school will be one in which each person can develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that enable participation in Church and society.

Inclusive and Outreaching Culture: Ideally, there is a place for all within the Catholic school, in an open, relationship-centred community, acceptance is given to a multiplicity of faiths and cultures, especially in learning and flexibility to meet every changing needs. Within the Catholic school, the dignity of all is respected and diversity is welcomed and celebrated.

Continuous improvement through renewal: The Catholic School is intimately connected to the community it serves. It demonstrates a commitment to action and reflection through a process of continuous renewal. Renewal is a process which offers accountability for stewardship and fosters ongoing quality improvements.