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Enrolment Information
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Senior Years – Year 10 to 12

St John’s School offers a variety of subjects for students in Years 10 through to 12. Whether our students’ career aspirations involve university, a trade qualification, obtaining work or a traineeship, St John’s School offers various career pathway opportunities and guidance along the way. The school aspires to encourage not only academic success for our seniors, but also a sense of the Spirit of St John’s School which is embodied in our values of Respect, Justice, Excellence and Compassion. As young men and women of St John’s, these graduating students can continue into adulthood with confidence knowing they will be supported and prepared through their senior schooling at St John’s School.



  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Religion
  • Humanities
  • Science
  • Physical Education


  • Business
  • Legal Studies
  • Drama
  • Visual Art
  • Outdoor Education
  • STEM
  • Design Technology
  • Hospitality



  • General English
  • General Mathematics
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Study of Religion
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Modern History
  • Legal Studies
  • Business

Applied and Essential

  • Essential English
  • Essential Mathematics
  • Religion and Ethics
  • Social and Community Studies
  • Visual Art in Practice
  • Furnishing Skills
  • Drama in Practice


  • Certificate III Business
  • Certificate III Fitness

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

All students at St John’s School are encouraged to be working towards their Queensland Certificate of Education. To be eligible for a QCE, a student must be enrolled with a school and registered. For most students the QCE will be achieved over Years 11 and 12. Others may not achieve it until after they finish Year 12. The total amount of learning required is at least 20 credits. This reflects an amount of learning that could be reasonably achieved by most young people over a two-year, full-time program of study in the Senior Phase of Learning.

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

In Years 10, 11 and 12, students can apply to undertake a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship allowing them to work for an employer and undertake training towards a recognised qualification, while completing their secondary school studies. SBAs can offer great benefits to many students and help them to explore career options.

St John’s School uses the services of the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office SBA Program to facilitate opportunities School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. The Career Development Team works closely with the SBA Program Officer to advise students on various VET pathways and monitor students’ progress and welfare.
Generally, students are required to attend work for a minimum of 50 days (or an equal amount of hours) of paid employment during each 12 month period. When deciding on workday/s, the student’s school timetable will need to be discussed with the Academic Leader and the Career Development Team.
If you are interested in pursuing an SBA, please see Mrs Katie Shellshear our Career Development Practitioner, to discuss and complete an Expression of Interest form.

TAFE at Schools Program

In Years 10, 11 and 12, students are able to participate in the TAFE at Schools Program where they are able to undertake a variety of VET courses. These courses are offered both online, and through face-to-face training. Students may attend TAFE one day a week or through TAFE blocks each term. These courses allow students to gain credits towards a further study including apprenticeships, diploma or university studies as well as helping students to become work ready.
Students who are interested in completing VET courses through the TAFE at Schools Program are invited to make an appointment with Mrs Katie Shellshear, the Career Development Practitioner, to discuss. Enrolment usually occurs in Term 4 for the following year as spaces are limited.