
Parents & Friends


The St John’s P & F is a vibrant group of parents who meet once a month to discuss any matters which come under the umbrella of the Parents and Friends Association. The P & F is guided by its executive committee and our principal, Mr Mark Watson.

The committee is also responsible for the following sub committees:

  • The Moonlight Fair committee
  • The St John’s Race Day committee
  • The Uniform shop

Our P & F is committed to helping supply the school community with valuable resources and subsidising educational school excursions when required. Our funds are raised by way of the various sub committees already mentioned.



The St John’s Family Race Day is held in August each year. It is intended not only as a fundraiser for the school but also a social day for families who have been hibernating over the winter months. The race day is open to the whole Roma community.

The day begins with a luncheon for adults followed by a 5 race program and licensed bar for parents, and an afternoon of activities for the children from 1.30, consisting of a jumping castle, face painting, sandpit and colouring in table. There are fashions of the field for all age groups, and live entertainment, with the day concluding around 5.30pm.



The Moonlight Fair is the major fundraiser for the P & F held each year in October. It is a fun evening for the entire family starting at 5.30 pm in the afternoon running into the evening. Each year the committee organises many different attractions to entertain the crowds.

Parents and students are encouraged to get involved with the committee headed by Leesa Murray. There are many ways to lend a hand and help make the evening a success.

Please talk to your child’s teacher or contact a committee member by emailing Moonlight.fair@twb.catholic.edu.au to see how you can help.


P & F Committee News

For parents who would like to receive a copy of our monthly P & F meeting minutes please send your email details to secretarypf@outlook.com.

We welcome everyone to attend our monthly P&F meetings as we value the contribution made by our parents. For more information on our upcoming meeting dates and locations please email our Secretary, Cath Clark at secretarypf@outlook.com and keep an eye on the notices placed on the St John’s app.


General Meeting Minutes June 2023

General Meeting Minutes July 2023

General Meeting Minutes October 2023

General Meeting Minutes March 2024

General Meeting Minutes May 2024

General Meeting Minutes June 2024